Here are links to audio and video recordings created by or featuring The History Guy of Brighton. Some are series on YouTube which have Playlist links. Note: Most recent are at the top - scroll down to see earlier ones ......
Murray Canal Radio Interview with Lindsey Harren of Loyalist College Radio, 91X FM CJLX, aired on show "In Touch With Quinte" March 8, 2024.
Murray Canal Radio Interview with Rob Washburn, of Radio Northumberland 89.7 FM, aired on the show "Consider This Northumberland" March 9, 2024.
New Video from Sean Scally featuring The History Guy of Brighton discussing The Carrying Place and The Murray Canal:
Journey To Murder in the Family!! Learn about the author's journey from growing up in the farm house where Dr. King lived and was buried in the front yard, though evolving interest in family history and, ultimately, the Dr. King story. If you read the book, this will be very interesting, and, if not, maybe will motivate you to read the book "Murder in the Family: The Dr. King Story". Check out Parts 1 through 5 for the entire journey. Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
SPEEDY Videos and Event Recordings The Wreck of HMS Speedy - The Video My latest book "The Wreck of HMS Speedy: The Tragedy That Shook Upper Canada" was released August 18, 2020 and, since it was delayed a few months due to the pandemic, I had the time to learn video editing software and create this series of videos to largely mirror the contents of the book. You can run the YouTube Playlist or play individual videos below. Enjoy! The HMS Speedy Story Part 1 - August 18, 2020 The HMS Speedy Story Part 2 - August 18, 2020 The HMS Speedy Story Part 3 - August 18, 2020 The HMS Speedy Story Part 4 - August 18, 2020 The HMS Speedy Story Part 5 - August 18, 2020
The Mystery of HMS Speedy In addition to the 5-part video series that tells the full Speedy story, this video focuses on the artifacts that were found during the three years of survey work on Dobbs Bank. Segments from the 1989 testing video are used to highlight several artifacts that Ed Burtt identified and defined as best he could under the circumstances. The point of this video is to suggest that there are important artifacts from a very old ship wreck located on Dobbs Bank and that professional marine archaeologists need to investigate these artifacts to determine whether they still exist as Ed's saw them in the early 1990s. One day, maybe they can even analyze them enough to decide whether they are from the Speedy. Based on the information we have now, it is certainly worth looking in that direction. Here's hoping! The Mystery of HMS Speedy - August 18, 2020
HMS Speedy: Tragedy and Mystery - Feb 27, 2022 The Oshawa Museum hosted Dan Buchanan as guest speaker at their virtual meeting on February 27, 2022. The topic was “HMS Speedy: Tragedy and Mystery”, a slightly different presentation of this story with emphasis on the events around Lake Scugog and the Oshawa area. Here is the link to a recording of that presentation and question period:
History Between Neighbors - Feb 26, 2022 Friends of Wellers Bay hosted Dan Buchanan as guest speaker for their virtual meeting on February 26, 2022. The presentation was called “History Between Neighbors” which included a mix of topics including Wellers Bay and Asa Weller with the development from the bateau railway to stagecoach stop to steamer port. Presqu’ile history was included as well as several examples of people from The County resettling in the Brighton area during the 1800s. We have connections! Here is the link to the recording of that event:
The Making of a History Book - Cobourg & District Historical Society Zoom meeting April 27, 2021 This two-art video series contains the video recording of both Dan's unique talk and the lively question period. Part 1 Dan's Talk Part 2 Questions and Answers
Probus Club of Hanover and Area - March 10, 2021 This video is a recording of a Zoom meeting hosted by the Probus Club of Hanover and Area on March 10, 2021. My talk re the Speedy has been snipped out of the full meeting video and published on my YouTube channel.
Men's Probus Club of Lindsay - April 13, 2021 This is an audio recording of the talk I gave to the Men's Probus Club of Lindsay on April 13, 2021. In Touch With Quinte Radio Interview 91X CJLX FM Loyalist College - October 30, 2020 Word on the Hills - Radio Interview - Northumberland 89.7 FM, broadcast August 2 2020 Consider This NorthumberlandRadio Interview - 89.7 FM - October 9, 2020 Word on the Street 2020 Dan's Booth Chat - September 22, 2020 (Video on Instagram)
Other Topics The Tobey Book - Brighton's Most Important Historical Collection The Tobey Book is a large book with a red cover that is available for reference at the Brighton Public Library. It also is available as a searchable PDF file that anyone can download for themselves. I use this book constantly for my research work on local history and genealogy and often just browse through it for fun. A virtual presentation on the Tobey Book was provided by The History Guy on February 17, 2021, hosted by the Brighton Public Library and I gave much the same talk to the Lakeshore Genealogy Society on April 8, 2021. The video series was created in order to offer the same information in video form for those who prefer that medium. You can run the YouTube Playlist or play the individual videos listed below. Help yourself! The Tobey Book Part 1The Tobey Book Part 2The Tobey Book Part 3The Tobey Book Part 4 The Tobey Book 2 See the video version of the second presentation about the Tobey Book on October 21, 2021. Part 1Part 2Part 3 Part 4
Brighton in the 1850s: Time of Change . Find out how Brighton changed so dramatically in the 1850s! This video series was created in April 2021 but is based on an audio recording of a presentation I did in August 2013 at Hilton Township Hall. The original audio recording was snipped into segments that each support a screen of the presentation and images were added to support and enhance the audio. An introduction was added at the beginning, using a new audio recording by me and some of the original images. A section was added at the end for Corrections and Additions, reflecting many things that have changed since 2013 as well as some mistakes in the original audio. You can use the YouTube Playlist to play all video segments in a row or use these links to play individual segments. Enjoy! Part 1 - Time of Change Part 2 - New Twp New Road Part 3 - New Railroad Part 4 - Exports and Wharfs Part 5 - Dr King and Hilton Hall Part 6 - What Goes up Must Come Down Part 7 - Corrections and Additions
Dance Hall Daze - History of Dance Halls in Brighton Area Dance Hall Daze Part 1 - Dance Halls of Brighton (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Dance Hall Daze Part 2 - Dance Halls of Brighton (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Dance Hall Daze Part 3 - Dance Halls of Brighton (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Dance Hall Daze Part 4 - Dance Halls of Brighton (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Dance Hall Daze Part 5 - Dance Halls of Brighton (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives)
Rural Roots - History of Farming in Brighton Area Rural Roots Part 1 - History of Farming (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Rural Roots Part 2 - History of Farming (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Rural Roots Part 3 - History of Farming (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives) Rural Roots Part 4 - History of Farming (Produced by Brighton Digital Archives)
I'm Getting a Makeover - Celtic Night, Fund Raiser for Presqu'ile Point Lighthouse I'm Getting a Makeover - The History Guy Speaks as the Lighthouse - May 7, 2018