You can obtain a PDF copy of The Tobey Book for yourself from my web site – On the menu, click on History and then The Tobey Book. Don’t worry, there is no copyright issue here because Mr. Tobey specifically gave permission for this document to be used free of charge. At the bottom you will see this.
To get a copy of the PDF file, click on “Download File” and the document will come up in a viewer. You can look through it in the viewer if you like, but to save it to your computer, click on the disk icon at the upper right and select the location on your computer to store it. Remember, as the note says, this is a large file at 30 MB so be aware of space. Usually, it should not be a problem, although it may take a few seconds to download. Be patient. I recommend not sending this to anyone via email. Once you have it on your computer, you can open it and use it as much as you want.
In case you are not familiar with the features of a PDF file, here is a brief note. The most powerful feature is Search (see below) which is the small magnifying glass. This allows you to enter a name or any text and it will stop at every instance of that text in the document. Use the up and down arrows to move up and down pages. Or you can use your mouse or keyboard to do the same. Use the plus and minus buttons to expand or contract the text on a page, so you see something more clearly. This is good for maps or reading newspaper clippings.
By the way, beside the up and down arrow keys, you can see the page count, showing a total of 786 pages. PDF files are created by Adobe Acrobat. This is a very efficient tool for managing and accessing a large body of information such as what we have in The Tobey Book. It supports my approach to research: you can never have too much information.