The Tobey Book is a large, red volume available in the collections of the Brighton Public Library. The name in the catalog is "The History of Brighton" by Wilmot Maxwell Tobey. It is a large-format book and contains 786 pages. This book contains the largest collection of information about Brighton history that exists.
Make no mistake, this is NOT a coffee table book! The content is black and white, the text is mostly type-written. There are many images, many maps and newspaper clippings that are photocopies of originals, so are often not as sharp and clear as we expect in the modern media world. This book is available in the Brighton Public Library and there are copies in the Quinte West Public Library, and in Peterborough as well. The Tobey Book is not available for circulation so you will have to view it at the library. This is due to security concerns. Several copies of the book were lost when it was being circulated, and, since it is a scarce item, we don't want to lose any more. Check out the following chapters to see how you can obtain an electronic copy of this book. |
613-439-8992 |
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